Sunday, October 9, 2011


 Beautiful model Tara

I recently saw this photo of a beautiful, voluptuous woman on FaceBook along with an article rebutting an offensive question this photo posed in a gym: whether one wants to be a whale or mermaid. Many of my friends LIKED the article raising hell about the whale/mermaid ad.

To moi,  the  woman in this photo is outwardly beautiful: manicured eyebrows, lovely hair, sultry lips, moisturized skin and pedicured feet.  To say one is beautiful because one is slender, well I beg to differ.  Worldly beauty demands maintenance, this woman maintains herself.  Her weight is but an ingredient in a recipe that would still be well received by many: what is not to like about a vibrant and passionate person; their embrace, their laughter?  

I agreed that mermaids are lovely, fictional creatures and feel this media generated sensation was a successful ploy against very real, lemming like human beings unwilling to think for themselves and I enjoyed the light rebuttal from what was likely a plus sized woman, right up until this part:

 “We women, we gain weight because we accumulate so much wisdom and knowledge that there isn’t enough space in our heads, and it spreads all over our bodies. We are not fat, we are greatly cultivated.”

The person who wrote that was probably kidding and that made me think that it was a jolly and maybe nervous coverup for what is true: you consume more fat and calories than you are willing to burn.  I can accept that and you should, too.  

That ad was offensive and I bet it was more discouraging than it was encouraging.  Please  keep this in mind: 

“Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.”
― Toni MorrisonBeloved
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