Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've been having trials and tribulations -  in my garden.  For the past several years something has prevented my favorite flowering bush from flowering.  It's been the weather, the plant relocation program I seem to participate in, or the fertilizing in the spring when I thought that was such a good idea.  This year, after having read everything I could find on these beauties and behaving well and having cooperation from the weather, my 5 peony shrubs have many promising flower buds!  I'm excited and cautious that some new wrong will occur.  I'm concerned that the little girl across the street will pick them like she's done once before. Or that some big dog will come over and trample them.  I would like an invisible fence to keep the  uninvited on the other side of.  Maybe I'm being too cautious.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those darn peonies.. Plant them and forget them my ashtray! However, I have the utmost faith that this year is THE year. Especially for your newest edition.. the peony tree! As far as the kids picking them. Two words: Supersoaker Sniper Watergun!
